hello alcohollywood!

Friday, July 01, 2005

so last night, or rather this morning.. i finally decided to burn all my singles into my com. so now i have funky remixes for quite a couple of songs. yay. next up would be the albums. spice spice spice!!

okay so i gotta stay at home today. cos im meeting my sister around 9ish 10. shes gonna come pick my cousin (7th storey) and i up for drinks at railway mall. death death death. sob sob sob. boohooboohooboohoo. and yah i can go on forever being childish.

and tonight i might be exercising again. and wake up with painful calf muscles. haha.

i miss my brother and im damn pissed cos he hasnt replied my email. fuck october. fuck the promises to send us your picture. fuck those singles that you gave me before you left. i'd rather throw away the 40+ singles, throw away the clothes/bags and everything that you've given me. and have you back. tash just said the other day.. "aunty daph, when is uncle dan coming home? mommy says he is far far away. he took an aeroplane and went to newyork. i miss uncle dan.. last time he always carry me very very high. but now i think cannot cos i too heavy already." tash is such an angel. the girls are God sent.

m1 update:: no more student plan. stopped. and from tomorrow onwards, upgrading for m1 customers at promotional price, will now only apply to customers who have fulfilled 21 months of the current contract. no more 18 months. mms promo, 5 cents per mms from 9am-9pm continues till end of july.


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